Friday, May 27, 2011

STUDIO J - Boot Camp Challenge #3

How did your layout turn out? Isnt it fun? Here is another idea of another layout I have created. I really want to have you get comfortable with Studio J and try out some different kits and patterns. Todays challenge is the same as yesterday..... Get on and Play!!! Create some fun layouts, explore the site and options, try new things and have some fun. Remember, each page pops up all embellished. You just have to color those embellishments. Try this for a few layouts. It turns out Fabulous. Then we will start adding some new items and creating your very own look.

It is a 3 day weekend. If you have plans, go take lots of photos and make some memories. If you are staying close to home.... make some layouts (remember it doesnt cost a thing until you purchase the layouts, so you can 'play' as much as you would like to!!) Check back on Tuesday for another challenge with another layout we will make together.

Happy Scrappping!!

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